Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A McCain Monarchy? Heaven Forbid.

The facts and stats are simple and straight: according to CNN's Election Center 2008, McCain did not win amongst Republicans -- and that loss was by a wide margin.

Despite the urgency of certain issues affecting our country, particularly the present delicateness of our economy, moderates and liberals persist in helping McCain win delegates.

Non-Republicans once again took the win away from Mitt Romney (the only candidate of either party capable of harnessing and controlling our economic instabilities, as well as standing nose to nose to our enemies) and handed it to John McCain, who has little or no experience in the financial arena (proven by his evasive answers to clear and direct questions asked of him at the January 24, 2008 debate in Boca Raton on how he would -- or could -- provide a list, or at least suggestions, of practical remedies and/or solutions).

In a January 30, 2008 Time article, writer Michael Scherer makes clear: "McCain, Huckabee and a nation of disconcerted Republican voters now threaten to reformulate that coalition. Romney is certainly not a lifelong member of the old conservative movement. But as it stands, he may be the only thing left to hold it together. " And this is from a liberal mainstream journalist.

As we all know, Florida is a take-all state with open voting. Fred Thompson dropped out in the middle after absentees were sent out and the Florida governor (who loves McCain's immigration stance) was behind McCain.

Despite all the shmoozy liberal media coverage given to him, McCain still did not get a majority of the state ... and the "conservatives in the know" are betting they were not the majority of conservative votes.

In "McCain: Shifting American Politics to the Left -- MSM Loving It!", the author provides serious information and irrefutable points of view. This is a must read for conservatives who consider McCain's candidacy only fanciful -- and that kind of thinking will only serve to sink the Republican Party.

Which leads me to ask: Are conservatives deaf, dumb and blind? Don't they see what is happening? Yes, McCain is the "chosen" darling of the liberal media (as are all of the other Democrat candidates). But if McCain gets the nomination -- with the help, of course, of the mainstream media -- then the only candidates left standing will be two liberal Democrats (Clinton, Obama) and one liberal Republican (McCain). And then it wouldn't matter which of those three would succeed to the Presidency, because their dynamics would shift the entire United States of America to the left, away from conservatism, possibly for the next 20 years.

Columnists such as John LeBoutillier and Ronald Kessler are in agreement about John McCain, and are unafraid to state the truth, that McCain is not the man best able to control the White House on the basis that he is psychologically unsound. Think about this: Remember the Iranian speed boats confronting our naval task force? If it were President McCain in that moment, he, with his uncontrollable temper, probably would've given our Navy commanders the order to shred the speed boats and hence initiate World War III. And then the U.S. economy would take a death dive (as it nearly did directly after 9/11, from which we're still trying to recover).

Florida's gift to McCain is a hard pill to swallow, but remember: the RNC still has a large number of votes that they pulled back from states that moved their primaries -- and McCain has ticked off many members of the RNC.

Mitt Romney is still in this race, and he's made it clear he won't quit. In light of his determination, no true conservative should rest his or her efforts on Mitt's behalf, because, as Yogi Berra said: "It ain't over 'til it's over."

Thereafter, the new conservative motto will be: "It ain't over 'til WE say it's over."

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