Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Weekly Slant's "Quotes From The Left"

Go HERE for the source.

"Olbermann is just plain nuts!"

"The eavesdropping provisions of FISA have obviously had no impact on counterterrorism, and there is no current or perceived terrorist threat, the thwarting of which could hinge on an e-mail or a phone call that's going through room 641A at AT&T in San Francisco next week or next month. Because if there were, Mr. Bush, and you were to, by your own hand, veto an extension of this eavesdropping and some terrorist attack were to follow, you would not merely be guilty of siding with the terrorists, you would not merely be guilty of prioritizing the telecoms over the people, you would not merely be guilty of stupidity, you would not merely be guilty of treason, sir, but you would be personally and eternally responsible. And if there is one thing we know about you, Mr. Bush, one thing that you have proved time and time again under any and all circumstances, it is that you are never responsible. Good night and good luck."
–MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann on Bush’s threat to veto an eavesdropping bill Democrats saddled with liability exposure for telecoms in a “Special Comment” Thursday, Jan. 30 and reported by MRC’s Brad Wilmouth on NewsBusters Feb. 1


DOCUMENTED PROOF: Liberal Media Loses Interest in Iraq when News isn’t All Bad

One of the nation’s biggest success stories of the decade is being virtually ignored by the liberal media -- the success of our troops in Iraq. Proving the point, MRC analysts tracked all coverage of the Iraq war on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from September 1 through January 31. "We documented a steady decline in TV coverage of Iraq that has coincided with the improving situation in Iraq. Back in September, the three evening newscasts together broadcast 178 stories about the war in Iraq; in January, that number fell to just 47, a nearly fourfold decrease.," they said.
–CyberAlert Feb. 4, Rich Noyes, was posted Friday, with a chart, on the MRC's blog, NewsBusters


N.Y. Times Sees No Problem in Denying First Amendment Protection to Opponents of Illegal Immigration

An immigrant rights advocate demands an end to free-speech rights for critics of illegal immigration, and the New York Times can’t see a problem. Citing "vigilantes" like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs, the national head of "La Raza" told a National Press Club audience last week that their networks should kick them off the air for "hate speech." MRC’s Clay Waters termed the speech "shocking," and called out the NY Times and their reporter Ariel Alexovich for their seeming lack of concern about denying American journalists their free-speech rights. Quoting Alexovich – "Ms. Murguia argued that hate speech [note the absence of quotation marks around this loaded phrase] should not be tolerated, even if such censorship were a violation of First Amendment rights" – Waters wrote: "[MRC’s] Times Watch is unable to detect in Alexovich's posting a single raised eyebrow at the thought of [La Raza president] Murguia's frightening dismissal of free speech. It's a particularly bizarre omission coming from someone who works in journalism."

And last but not least:

Hillary Finally Tells Us 'Who She Is'

In what felt more like a love-in than an interview, on Nightline Jan. 30, ABC’s Cynthia McFadden asked Hillary Clinton, "When you lie awake at night...what worries you?" MRC then reported that Clinton’s long-winded answer ended with: "to whom much is given, much is required," Then: "McFadden approvingly remarked: ‘Good Methodist girl.’ In turn, Clinton accepted the compliment and asserted: ‘It is, indeed, who I am.’"
–CyberAlert Feb. 4

Get out the barf bucket...

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